Prize draw winners announced for CHECS survey

Prize draw winners announced for CHECS survey

Prize draw winners announced for CHECS survey


Thanks to all the health scheme members who participated in the CHeCS survey we ran throughout December. We had a total of 984 responses and look forward to releasing the results in the new year. We offered £50 shopping vouchers to four respondents drawn from the hat, and can announce that these winners were:

  • Prue McDonald from Buckinghamshire, a Hi Health Herdcare (Biobest) member
  • Rhydian George from Pembrokeshire, a National Milk Laboratories – NML Herdwise health scheme member
  • Gregor Colquhoun from Angus, a Premium Cattle Health Scheme (SAC) health scheme member
  • Owen McElroy, Co Tyrone, an AFBI health scheme member.