What people say
"Red Tractor dairy and beef farmers are required to have a health plan in place as well as collate health and performance data."
Red Tractor
"We want farmers to access public money to help their businesses become more productive and sustainable, whilst taking steps to improve the environment and animal welfare, and deliver climate change outcomes on the land they manage.”
George EusticeSecretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
“If we can have better stock with less disease, we can improve welfare, be more profitable, be more competitive, and have a stronger reputation post-Brexit”
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Abi ReaderDairy farmerRead More »

“Endemic diseases in ruminants do not respect country borders or political boundaries and are a significant concern to farmers, the wider industry, governments and consumers due to their impact on animal health, welfare and food production.”
Nigel MillerChair, Ruminant Health & Welfare (RH&W)
“In control of other diseases, BCVA members have seen the benefits of coordinated accreditation schemes. The CHECS bTB model represents an opportunity to build on existing good work.”
British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA)
“We’re working with our dairy farmers on a disease eradication programme with the aim of removing disease such as BVD & Johnes from Co-op Dairy Group farms.”
“Due to Brexit and potential changes to both our operating environment and consumer preferences, we face challenges and opportunities which can be better-managed by a robust ruminant industry with world-leading health and welfare.”
Rebecca GeraghtyAgriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
“All Morrisons farms have an active National Johne’s Management Plan in place and also have active plans in place to manage BVD, Leptospirosis and Neospora as applicable.”
“All this means we have peace of mind about Johne’s Disease and the protocols to maintain our status. The benefits include us being able to sell excess cattle as ‘Johne’s free’.”
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Chris GassonDairy farmer Read More »